
Showing posts from May, 2015

Live and Learn

My tomato plant is growing and has some fuzz on it! I'm not sure if that's good or bad but at least it is doing something. My flowers died a couple weeks ago but I learned that I over watered them so I bought more and will water less.  Zalen  has been keeping up with his sunflowers (with Mommy's help) and they are growing fast! My tomato plant Zalen's Sunflowers

Time Flies

Newborn     4 Months Newborn 4 Months Time Flies, make memories now! Brody & Zalen


Today is a special day for me and all the other Mothers and Grandmas out there. We  all have special gifts God blessed us with and that is our children and Grandchildren. Cherish these moments. Love strong. Make memories. And most of all remember YOU are AMAZING!  For my  Zalen  and  Brody . Maybe one day you will look back on my posts and  hopefully see a Mommy who loves you and wants only the best for you. My heart. My loves. Mommy loves you so very much!