
Showing posts from July, 2015

You Say Tomato, I Say Tomato

As a first time Gardner I am proud to say I now have fresh Roma tomatoes to enjoy in my salads or sandwiches! I started my tomato plant in May and thought I killed my plant a couple of times but soon learned that when the leaves wilt some it's time to water. I am proud of my little Roma tomatoes and will enjoy eating them while knowing it is 100% organic with no wax coating..yum!                                                               Ta Da!                                     Thank You God for your provisions, big and little!

Growing, Growing, Gone!

Where did my babies go? My Z-man is growing up so fast! He will be 3 in September. Brody is catching up fast too, he is almost 7 months! I have loved watching over the months the bond between Zalen and Brody. They are developing a love/hate relationship..ha! Zalen is a great big brother over all though, he watches Brody the best a toddler can while I step out of the room.


This sums up my Husband's sense of humor. As I'm walking around the house trying to get things done this is what I see... I have to admit it did made cleaning a lot more enjoyable!

Happy Half Birthday!

Yes I made a post just to announce that my Brody bear is half a year old!  Hey, why not?! With those dimples it would be wrong not too! All About Brody Favorite Song  : Skinamarinky  Favorite Toy: Balls Favorite Food: Sweet potatoes Favorite Thing To Do: Roll over

Are You Serious?

Four years ago today Jim asked me to be his wife and I said "Are you serious?"   Four years later and we have two handsome sons, Jim is almost finished with school, and we have grown so much closer in our relationship with each other than ever before. I would say he was pretty serious when he asked me to marry him. Below is a link (Our Story) to my post about how we met and how he asked me to marry him. (for those who are curious).                                                    Our Story