Tears and Joy

Proverbs 17:22 - “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.” In the last three weeks in our Healing Balm Bible Study, I started with the basics of how to get started on finding healing for your PTSD, depression, anxiety, a loss, or a trial. Just to recap, the first week I talked about finding healing through God’s Word and prayer. Just like when we go to the Doctor for physical healing, we need the Bible and open communication with God for spiritual healing. The second week I talked about finding healing through your circle of friendships. When you have friends that encourage you to grow closer to God in low times you will find it easier to keep your focus on God. Your friends around you can lift you up so you can stay focused on God even in those low times. Also, you can do the same for your friends as well! The third week I talked about finding healing through your local church. Being involved in a ministry at your ch...