On the Move!

My baby isn't much of a baby anymore. For the past week Zalen has decided it's time to walk. He needs assistance right now but he is becoming more independent every day! I'm confident he will be walking like a pro by 12 months. A few things Zalen loves to do is sing, ride and push his car, play hide and seek and mimic peoples hand and facial gestures. He can wave, do patty cake, shake his head no (not to happy about that one lol), high five, point his finger, say Momma, Nana. Zalen also understands a lot of words and there meanings like baba (bottle), outside, no, come here. He loves to bounce when he hears music and try to mimic the tone of the voices (future American Idol maybe?!). He also loves the outdoors which includes swinging, swimming, throwing a ball around, chasing bugs, and eating dirt. Zalen is growing up so fast I can't update the Blog enough ha!

   Here are a few pictures below of Zalen and his adventures!

Zalen and his cousin Walter playing a duet together

Walking like a big boy!

Pushing his car 

I took him on a wagon ride in the back yard. 

He loves Cheerios!
 Mommy is happy too because it's cheaper then Gerber Puffs


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