
Showing posts from May, 2012

Baby Bump

I am so excited about finally starting to show the "baby bump". I have had friends and family rocking the baby bump at 13 weeks and I was not even showing. During my first trimester I lost  at least 10 pounds just from morning sickness and food aversions. All of my clothes became so loose that it more  draped me then fitted me ha. At every doctor visit I would ask, "Does it look like I'm showing yet?" and she would say, "you look bloated", "Not yet, every pregnancy is different". Well I am happy to announce that at my 21 week visit the Doctor said I am showing! I still find myself comparing my now 22 week baby bump to other 22 week baby bumps out there (which most are bigger then mine), but I've read and heard that first pregnancies don't show up as much, so I'm sticking with that theory so I feel better. I best thing about my new found baby bump is people are starting to rub it, like it bring them good luck ha. I love it most...

Third Ultrasound

I was 19 weeks along for my third and what would be my final ultrasound (which by the way was a bitter sweet day for me). This ultrasound was a very important ultrasound for the doctors. They wanted to check everything with the baby and myself to make sure everything was normal and the baby was healthy. I thought with this being my final ultrasound I would video record it, well I found out when I got to the office that you can't record it because the ultrasound is for medical purposes. What a let down. On the upside for 30 minutes I saw every detail of my baby. The head, spine, heart, feet, hands, ect. I was starting to get antsy, I knew what was coming up soon. Boy? or Girl? I HAVE to know! The nurse finally told us, "Congrats, your having a boy!" Oh, My, Word! A Boy! Okay, now we must agree on a name so I can stop calling him Peanut, Zigote, or Baby. At that moment the name Zalen came to my mind. Zalen, I will call you Zalen. For the rest of the ultrasound The baby ...

Nursery Theme

My nursery theme is Pandas. The colors I'm going with are light green, light blue, and dark brown. This theme is subject to change depending on how many panda items I actually get at my baby shower ha. I haven't found too many panda things for a nursery online or in store so don't panic or get frustrated if you can't find anything panda. However, I have found a lot based around my colors, so if nothing else I can just have a room with green, blue, and brown, and no particular theme. I have a registry at Babies R Us and at Target. If you go to the homepage and scroll down you will see a link to both websites. If you see something I haven't added to my registry that you think would be important to have please let me know by going to the "Contact Us" tab and leaving me a message. Thanks!

Surprise Ultrasound

I was 13 weeks along when I went in for my second Ultrasound, which was a surprise for Jim and I because I was only expected to hear my baby's heartbeat. The Doctor tried to listen to Zalen's heartbeat but he just kept moving around that she couldn't hear anything. She then tried an Ultrasound but we still couldn't hear his heartbeat because the machine wouldn't make any noise. However we did get to see our baby again which I was all for. I found it amazing how fast Zalen grew from 9 weeks to 13 weeks! I still wasn't showing, which I was hoping I would, but I was losing a lot of weight from morning sickness that my clothes were to loose to show anything anyway ha. I finally made the announcement to everyone that Jim and I were expecting, which I wanted to tell EVERYONE after I saw the two pink lines. I was so excited that I told everyone because that meant I could talk about Zalen now over Facebook, to my friends, and strangers ha. The next count down I sta...

First Ultrasound

I went for my first ultrasound when I was nine weeks along. I was so excited, I was counting down the days when I could see my baby for the first time. I wondered whether it would hurt me or the baby doing the ultrasound or if there REALLY was a baby inside of me. Jim actually saw our baby before me, I'm not bitter though ha, and I could tell by his smile that there was a baby inside me. When I saw Zalen for the first time I just kept smiling, it was so surreal. Zalen looked like a mix between a peanut and a tadpole, but the most adorable peanut I've ever seen! The Doctor gave us print outs from the ultrasound and as soon as I got home I scanned them, framed them and put them on the self to show off. I also made copies to mail to family members, as well as posting them on Facebook . I wanted Zalen to know he was part of our family and he was just so cute, I had to brag ha.   Jim and I are truly blessed and it's amazing to see how far I have come and how much God care...


I found out I was pregnant on the 9th of January. I woke up, went to the bathroom ( you can fill in the rest), and waited 3 minutes. I didn't want to get my hopes up but those three minutes went by so so slow. Thoughts flooded my mind, what if I am? What do I do? What do I eat? Drink? Who do I tell? What if it's a boy? or girl? What will their names be? What if I'm not? What do I tell Jim? and on and on they came. I finally started to see a faint pink line show up next to a bold pink line, and the faint pink got a little darker and the answer came. I WAS pregnant! I ran to Jim and said, "How to you feel about being a daddy?" He was a little shocked at first but once I showed him the pregnancy stick he got just as excited as me. I called a couple of friends and family up to announce the news and left everyone else with out the news until I was 13 weeks along. Once I found out I was pregnant I looked online for articles I could read and made my first appt to see...

Wedding Day

Jim and I married on November, 19th, 2011. Time stood still as I walked down the aisle to meet my future husband. Jim looked so handsome, he was just as nervous as me. I dreamed of this day for so long, meeting a man that would be a gentleman and treat me like his queen. The message before we got married was filled with love and hope, it made me so excited to take this big step with Jim. As I held his hand and listened to the message I felt secure and safe. No matter what trials may come our way (which some already did), I knew that we would give each other the strength we need to make it through. After we said our I do's I couldn't walk fast enough out the door ha. So many friends and family attended our wedding in support and made me feel beautiful, the way a bride should feel. I thought I loved Jim more then I ever could on our wedding day, but every day my love for him grows stronger and deeper. I don't know how I managed to live with out him for 26 years, and I hop...

Our Story

So, our story starts December, 2010 on a winter night. I was talking to mutual friend of ours via Skype. We caught up on news and then she brought up this guy's name..Jim. She said he was an great guy and that he holds the same beliefs as I do. I could tell she was trying to play match I just played along for fun. Unfortunately I did not set a good impression the first time I met Jim. Everyone in the world wanted to call, text, or chat online. Jim tried hard to keep the conversation going but I would have to excuse the conversation to take a phone call or text. Looking back now I realized how patient he was with me. Fortunately after that night he wanted to continue to keep in touch with me so we would Skype, text, or chat on Facebook. A few weeks of texting constantly (no exaggeration), skyping, and talking over the phone, Jim decides our friendship is ready for a new chapter and asks me as romantically as he can to be his girlfriend. I could tell Jim was a great guy...