Third Ultrasound

I was 19 weeks along for my third and what would be my final ultrasound (which by the way was a bitter sweet day for me). This ultrasound was a very important ultrasound for the doctors. They wanted to check everything with the baby and myself to make sure everything was normal and the baby was healthy. I thought with this being my final ultrasound I would video record it, well I found out when I got to the office that you can't record it because the ultrasound is for medical purposes. What a let down. On the upside for 30 minutes I saw every detail of my baby. The head, spine, heart, feet, hands, ect. I was starting to get antsy, I knew what was coming up soon. Boy? or Girl? I HAVE to know! The nurse finally told us, "Congrats, your having a boy!" Oh, My, Word! A Boy! Okay, now we must agree on a name so I can stop calling him Peanut, Zigote, or Baby. At that moment the name Zalen came to my mind. Zalen, I will call you Zalen. For the rest of the ultrasound The baby was not just a baby but Zalen, my handsome little boy. Even though we didn't get to record the ultrasound we got a few pictures from it to take home. I wish I could have been happier when we left the office but I was just bummed that I wouldn't see my baby again until he arrived in the hospital. Good things come to those who wait, so here I am, waiting with my calender countdown.


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