First Ultrasound

I went for my first ultrasound when I was nine weeks along. I was so excited, I was counting down the days when I could see my baby for the first time. I wondered whether it would hurt me or the baby doing the ultrasound or if there REALLY was a baby inside of me. Jim actually saw our baby before me, I'm not bitter though ha, and I could tell by his smile that there was a baby inside me. When I saw Zalen for the first time I just kept smiling, it was so surreal. Zalen looked like a mix between a peanut and a tadpole, but the most adorable peanut I've ever seen! The Doctor gave us print outs from the ultrasound and as soon as I got home I scanned them, framed them and put them on the self to show off. I also made copies to mail to family members, as well as posting them on Facebook. I wanted Zalen to know he was part of our family and he was just so cute, I had to brag ha.  Jim and I are truly blessed and it's amazing to see how far I have come and how much God cares for us.


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