Surprise Ultrasound

I was 13 weeks along when I went in for my second Ultrasound, which was a surprise for Jim and I because I was only expected to hear my baby's heartbeat. The Doctor tried to listen to Zalen's heartbeat but he just kept moving around that she couldn't hear anything. She then tried an Ultrasound but we still couldn't hear his heartbeat because the machine wouldn't make any noise. However we did get to see our baby again which I was all for. I found it amazing how fast Zalen grew from 9 weeks to 13 weeks! I still wasn't showing, which I was hoping I would, but I was losing a lot of weight from morning sickness that my clothes were to loose to show anything anyway ha. I finally made the announcement to everyone that Jim and I were expecting, which I wanted to tell EVERYONE after I saw the two pink lines. I was so excited that I told everyone because that meant I could talk about Zalen now over Facebook, to my friends, and strangers ha. The next count down I started was for my next ultrasound. This ultrasound would be more detailed and Jim and I would be able to find out if we were going to have a boy or girl. From the time I found out I was pregnant to the time I found out I was having a boy Jim and I went through SO many names. I honestly don't remember most of them, but we came up with Peter, Thomas, or Zalen for a boy and agreed on Sarah Gayle for a girl. I LOVE the name Zalen because Jim made the name up and it's unique. After having a couple of ultrasounds I craved another one and began my count down to the next time I could see my little peanut. Of coarse the next time I saw Zalen he was NOT a peanut, he looked like a precious baby, my baby.


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